Sunday, May 6, 2007

Georgia Writers Association's 11th Annual Spring Festival

Yesterday was Georgia Writers Association's 11th Annual Spring Festival of Writers Workshops. As usual it was an event loaded with information for both wannabees (thank goodness they keep surfacing) and those who are nearly ready, ready to publish, or already published and seeking marketing tips and information. You can see the lineup on Georgia Writers website if you're curious. It is

Each year, usually starting in December or January, I have put this event together. Many of the presenters have been "regulars" with new ones added each year. If I do it again, and I might, the next one will be different. Of course there are a few I will always ask to participate as they're mainstays, people with information for writers that is solid and timeless. But I'm thinking it's time for a possibly fresh approach.

Quite a few of the writers attending signed up for In The Company of Writers' mailing list. I'm hoping that nearly all of them will want to sign up for the next Webinar. Valerie Clark will be presenting What Agents Are Looking For on June 9 and it promises to be well worthwhile for anyone at the point of needing an agent in their writing efforts. If this fits you, go back to the ITCW website and click on "Coming Up!"

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