Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today I celebrate seventy three years of life on earth. I had a quiet awakening and decided to make myself a big breakfast, which I neither needed nor could finish.

While I was sipping my coffee I received a telephone call from a colleague that made me really excited about ITCW’s future. We talked and agreed to a partnership in a twelve-week series of Webinars that I believe will offer writers real value. So far I have been really pleased about everything offered and I hope this will only serve to increase the numbers of writers who hear about us and take the courses.

A bit later an email from another colleague offered me even more good news. I had been wanting to interview him for an in-depth article as he is not only already interesting but he’s doing something new that I find intriguing. (I wish I could tell you more but that would spoil the surprise… and my possible sale of the article.)

I spent an hour or so looking for some things I want to use at my party this weekend (my annual Summer Barbecue Bash) and just as I was finishing my granddaughter called to tell me she had paid off the loan I co-signed for her.

All these good things, however, are still surface matters, and while I am appreciative, I know that much deeper concerns are in my heart today.

More later...


Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Hi Geri--you have me really curious as to the identity/nature of this interview-writer/subject matter! I'll look forward to it!

Geri said...

Lisa, please get in touch with me...


~ Geri